Tumbled White Calcite, perception, transition, memory, meditation
Sale priceFrom $ 0.75
In stock, 32 units

Tumbled White Howlite, a Stone of Awareness for tact, calming, & healing
Sale priceFrom $ 1.20
In stock, 92 units

Tumbled White Howlite, Matte Flattened Spherical, a Stone of Awareness for tact, calming, & healing
Sale price$ 1.00
In stock, 49 units

Tumbled Yellow Aventurine for abundance, creativity and centering emotions
Sale priceFrom $ 2.35
In stock, 57 units

Tumbled Yellow Jasper for positive energy, perseverance, learning & self-discipline
Sale price$ 1.15
In stock, 115 units
Tumbled Yellow Opal to attract money and assist with business endeavors; FB1292
Sale priceFrom $ 2.00
In stock, 62 units

Tumbled Yooperlite, Extra Large, A Quality, Fluoresces under UV Light
Sale priceFrom $ 1.25
In stock

Tumbled Zebra Calcite for transition, motivation, self-healing
Sale priceFrom $ 1.50
In stock, 6 units

Tumbled Zebra Jasper for initiative and overcoming obstacles
Sale priceFrom $ 1.65
In stock, 27 units
Tuning Forks, Earth, Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Venus, Om and Angel Trio: FB1303
Sale priceFrom $ 6.50
In stock, 19 units

Turtle or Frog Totem / Spirit Stone Engraved on Assorted Gemstones
Sale price$ 7.00
In stock, 10 units

Twisted Silk Cord & Gemstone Bracelets, Reiki Charged FB3155 πΈ
Sale price$ 17.00
In stock, 2 units

Unakite Conical Pear Shaped Carving for Calm, Balance, Intuition, Past Life Recall & Relaxation; FB2329
Sale price$ 2.00
In stock, 31 unitsSave $ 7.00

Unakite or Ocean Jasper Cat Totem / Spirit Stone π FB1765
Sale price$ 8.00
Regular price$ 15.00
In stock, 4 units